Grindmaster 250-3A Instrukcja Użytkownika

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250 Series
Dual Hopper Coffee Grinders
Grindmaster Corporation’s 250 Series offers fully automatic portion control, positive bean
flow and precise portioning at all weights with all coffees, even oily dark roast and flavored
varieties. These units have precision grinding burrs for accurate grind profile and fast
grinding every time to accommodate all brewing methods.
MODEL 250-3A
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - 250 Series

250 SeriesDual Hopper Coffee GrindersMODEL 250Grindmaster Corporation’s 250 Series offers fully automatic portion control, positive beanflow and preci

Strona 2

250 SeriesStandard Features:• Easy and accurate dispensing of all coffee roasts and flavored coffees• Precise, consistent throws at all weights• Large

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